CDs with music by Baruch Cohon

You Can't Loose Them All CD

In this CD Rabbi Baruch Cohon teaches us that each of us can be a winner. By focusing on love, gratitude and the ability to laugh we can improve our lives and our destinites!

"The Real Complete Happy Hanukka Party" - 30 songs in English, Hebrew, Yiddish & Ladino - all Hanukka songs and blessings needed for a fun-filled Hanukka! Hanukka Party CD
Genera to Generation Jewish songs

"Generation to Generation" - Baruch & Samuel Cohon with the Bob Remstein Orchestra. Songs by Baruch Cohon and other composers, as well as Jewish folk songs

About Baruch Cohon

My offline world started in the Middle West, continued in the World War II Navy, and since 1947 is mainly located in Southern California.  With Claire, my wife of many short years, I have 4 children and 6 grandchildren generously scattered through the country.  I'm inordinately proud of them all.  But of course I don't tell them.

Don't look for spectacular life experiences here.  My memories are very likely similar to your own.  My search for value and fulfillment is everyone's search.  Pursuing it led me into and out of show business, and back to the synagogue and my Jewish heritage.   A big part of that heritage for me is in music.  

I was a cantor for 25 years before I got ordained as a rabbi.  Another 25 before I retired and began trying to organize some of the ideas and sounds you will find here.  During that time, I was heard on music recordings for SCB Records and Worldwide Success Records, and a book-on-CD called "You Can't Lose 'em All."  Some compositions of mine are published by Shawnee Press in (what must be a great metropolis) Delaware Water Gap, Pennsylvania; also by Publications for Judaism of Los Angeles, and Tara Music of Cedarhurst, NY, which recently issued a collection of my music called "Songs for My People," containing 40 selected favorites spanning liturgy, concet and theater.  A variety of musical experience from deeply serious to pure fun including cantorial compositions, choral arrangements and original show tunes.   Some of this music can be sampled right here >>.

I write some newspaper columns from time to time, and some of my sermons are anthologized in a quarterly called The American Rabbi.  People who talk about themselves can bore you pretty quickly, so I'll stop now. I'd rather hear from you.  So I'll just invite you to browse, and to email me with your reaction to anything here.  Enjoy!

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