Shalach Amee - Let My People Go - Passover Seder song, from the CD "Generation to Generation" [SCB Records]
Babi Yar - a grotesque lullaby out of the Holocaust, from the album "We Wish You Love" [SCB Records]
Our brothers - the ongoing search to connect with our own, from the CD "Generation to Generation" [SCB Records]
Let there be Love - a modern approach to the night prayer
Market Day - from the musical production "The Great Yarid", from the CD "Generation to Generation" [SCB Records]
Welcome to the Mountain - a song of hope to greet a new life, from the album "We Wish You Love" [SCB Records]
Ir Kalah - from an Israeli Oriental Festival
Hanerot Halalu - Kindling the Hanukkah lights, from the CD "The Real Complete Hanukkah Party" [Worldwide Success Records]