Samples of Music by Baruch Cohon

click on the Song Title to hear a music clip

Shalach Amee -  Let My People Go - Passover Seder song, from the CD "Generation to Generation" [SCB Records]

Babi Yar - a grotesque lullaby out of the Holocaust, from the album "We Wish You Love" [SCB Records]

Our brothers -  the ongoing search to connect with our own, from the CD "Generation to Generation" [SCB Records]

Let there be Love -  a modern approach to the night prayer

Market Day -   from the musical production "The Great Yarid", from the CD "Generation to Generation" [SCB Records]

Welcome to the Mountain -  a song of hope to greet a new life, from the album "We Wish You Love" [SCB Records]

Ir Kalah -  from an Israeli Oriental Festival

Hanerot Halalu -  Kindling the Hanukkah lights, from the CD "The Real Complete Hanukkah Party" [Worldwide Success Records]

Music by Baruch Cohon

"... Trop –  Biblical cantillation – was the first music I chanted, at the age of five ... "

"... Later, serving as Cantor to both traditional and liberal synagogues, and providing programs to all kinds of Jewish audiences, I learned what sounds inspire and please our people.  So I can truthfully say I have been making music and particularly Jewish music for three quarters of a century ... "

The above paragraphs introduce a new publication called “Songs for My People -- for the Synagogue, Concert and Theater ” (available from Tara Publications, $29.95).   It is a collection of 40 musical numbers I composed or arranged, songs of the synagogue, songs of the concert hall, songs of the theater. On this page, you are invited to sample some of them.

How dramatic it would be to say that this book represents the distilled apex of those 75 years of work.  But in fact it does not.  What I offer is a collection of selected favorites.  Songs that I enjoyed creating, teaching, conducting and performing.  Songs that other musicians enjoy learning and performing.  Songs that congregations and audiences accept and relish.


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